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State Level Function to be organised on International Day of Persons with Disabilities


aryana Government has decided to organise State Level Function on the occasion of International Day of Persons with Disabilities at Kurukshetra on December 3, 2018. On this occasion, the Social Justice and Empowerment Department would confer State Level Awards to different categories.

This was disclosed by Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment, Krishan Kumar while presiding over meeting of ‘Rajya Stariya Puraskar Chayan Samiti’. Discussion was held in the meeting on award schemes namely State Awards for Outstanding Services in the Field of Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, State Awards for Outstanding Employers or Placement Officers of the handicapped, the Most Efficient Handicapped Employees or Self Employed Handicapped Persons and Senior Citizen State Awards Scheme.

It was informed that the first, second and third prizes of Rs 50,000, Rs 30,000 and Rs 20,000 respectively each would be given under categories namely Best Drug De-Addiction Centre, Best School, Best College, Best Curative Campaign, Best Awareness Campaign, Outstanding Individual Achievement by a Professional and Outstanding Individual Achievement by a Non-professional.

Similarly, the Best Employee in Government Sector or PSUs of the State Government and Best Employee in Private Sector each would be given first prize of Rs 20,000, a shield and scroll, and second prize of Rs 15,000, a shield and scroll. Apart from this, one Self Employed Person would be given Rs 25,000 plus a shield and scroll. Under the Employer Award, the Best Employer in Government Departments or PSUs and Barrier-free Environment (Government/PSUs or Private Institutions including industry and trade) each would be given one prize of Rs 50,000, a shield and scroll. Apart from this, the Best Institution would be given one prize of Rs 25,000, a shield and scroll.

It was informed that under Creative Category, one best male and one female disabled creative person adult each would be given Rs 20,000 and scroll. Similarly, best creative one boy and one girl below 18 years of age each would be given Rs 15,000, a medal and scroll. It was also informed that under Senior Citizen State Awards Scheme, the Centenarian Award, Best Mother Award, Best Sculpture Award and Best NGO Award each would carry cash prize of Rs 50,000. Under the Lifetime Achievement Award and Senior Practicing Sports Person Award, first prize of Rs 50,000, second prize of Rs 30,000 and third prize of Rs 20,000 would be given. Similarly, Senior Day Care Centre Award would also be given.

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