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Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Haryana CSR Summit-2018 launched by Haryana CM


aryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal urged the industrial and corporate houses in the State to enhance their CSR contribution from two per cent to five percent of their profits and partner the State government in the speedy execution of various CSR projects in the State. At present, the annual contribution under the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the State is Rs 350 crore and a target has been fixed to increase it to Rs 1000 crore, he added.

Manohar Lal was addressing the representatives of leading industrial and corporate houses at the Haryana CSR Summit-2018 at Gurugram. Education Minister, Ram Bilas Sharma, Public Works (Building and Roads) Minister Rao Narbir Singh and Industries Minister Vipul Goel were also present on this occasion. Responding to the call made by the Chief Minister, various leading companies committed the contribution of over Rs 177 crore under the CSR in the State in the key areas of sanitation, rural development, education, skill development, environment, health and women empowerment.

These companies included Maruti Suzuki India Limited, Hero Moto Corp, Honda Motors and Scooters India, Power Grid, DLF Foundation, India Oil Corporation Limited, NHPC, Jamna Auto Industries Limited, Startwire India Limited, Shivalik Prints Limited, Imperial Auto, GKN Driveline India Limited, Sledgehammer Oil Tools Private Limited, Reliance Foundation, Action Construction, India Autotech, Whirlpool India, Vamani Overseas Private Limited, Victora Auto, Maharani Innovative Paints Private Limited, Poly Medicure Limited, Showa Auto Tech and Fric India.

On this occasion, the Chief Minister launched the Haryana CSR Website Portal www.haryanacsr.org showcasing list of development projects district wise and sector wise to be undertaken in the State. More than 341 development projects of seven departments including education, public health, rural development and agriculture are listed on the portal for corporate to pick and choose and contribute in various projects. In addition, details of the State Government implementing agencies were also given in the portal for corporate to contribute further in this regard. The Chief Minister urged the corporate houses to contribute towards the CSR as a sense of service to the society and not as an obligation. He also suggested carrying out special or internal audits by the companies to keep a check on discretion and ensure that the funds allocated for the CSR projects are fully utilized. Now the state government has made a structured system through which they could choose the projects from the online portal of Haryana CSR and contribute accordingly, he added.

Manohar Lal said that through the State Government make adequate provision of budget for various development works yet there are several projects which could also be completed with the help of CSR. He said that rejuvenation of 15,000 ponds, shamshan ghats (cremation grounds), pavement of village streets, environment conservation and beautification of rural and urban areas are among the key areas where the corporate sector could contribute. An amount of Rs 3000 crore is likely to be incurred on the rejuvenation of these ponds. Similarly, for providing facilities in shamshan ghats including the boundary wall , passage, shed and water would also cost Rs 3000 crore. He said that after the pavement of consolidated path in villages of over five karam, now the State Government has decided to make the pavement of three karam and four karam paths. Besides, he also asked the corporate to take up selected areas in rural and urban areas for beautification and also contribute in environment conservation. The state government has recently launched a campaign in the State under which 25 lakh saplings were planted by the school students. Besides plantation, the students would also ensure their upkeep for three years. An amount of Rs 75 crore would be spent on the plantation annually, he added.

He said that the Rural Development Department is soon going to launch its website namely ‘Mera Gaon Mero Gaurav’ with an aim to connect the people with their villages. A number of development works would be listed on the website that could be taken up by the industrial houses and corporates. Apart from this, the village panchayats would be asked to prepare village plans along with the budget requirement and upload the same on this website so that people could opt the work to be undertaken in their village by sitting anywhere. There are large number of people who hail from the Haryana and settled well in other states and countries and they could volunteer the work to be undertaken in their villages.

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