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Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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“Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises: Support and Outreach” organized in Sonipat

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) is the backbone of our economy


aryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal, said that Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) is the backbone of our economy and all out efforts are being made to strengthen it. The agriculture sector is primary in raw production and MSME plays significant role in its production and ensuring its reach to the consumer. Therefore, these sectors are being promoted rapidly.

The Chief Minister was speaking at Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises – Support and Outreach organized at Sonipat. On this occasion, the address of Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi was telecast directly through video conferencing. Earlier, the Chief Minister said that under 100 Days Programme, four clusters of Haryana have been selected including Sonipat, Panipat, Manesar and Faridabad.

Manohar Lal said that there are one lakh MSMEs in Haryana in which about eight to ten lakh people are employed. The MSMEs also play significant role in export.

Therefore, the State Government has concern over the growth of MSME and in this series, facilities are being increased. He said that Samadhan Council has been constituted to redress the grievances related to MSMEs under which 1100 cases were disposed off and Rs 544 crore was awarded. Similarly, cluster development scheme has been implemented under which 70 per cent funds would be provided by the Central Government. He said that 12 clusters are active in the state. A Mini Cluster Development Scheme has been prepared for MSMEs with turnover up to Rs two crore, he added.

He said that government jobs are limited and ever year opportunities are created for 15,000 government jobs whereas about two lakh youth get ready every year for jobs and MSMEs play significant role in providing jobs to youth. He said that skilled youth are required in MSMEs for which Skill University has been established at Palwal. He announced that new MSME Policy would be released by January 31, 2019 so as to provide more facilities to the MSMEs. The Chief Minister, on the spot, redressed the pending matter of 93 power connections in Kundli HSIIDC. He said that new sub-station would be ready by December 31, 2018 and expansion of 132 KV sub-station is being carried out in Rai.

Replying to the questions of media persons, Manohar Lal said that as per the orders of the Punjab and Haryana High Court, the roadways unions have agreed to call off their strike. He said that meeting would be held with employees to redress their grievances. Apart from this, with the considerable efforts of the government, the incidents of crop residue burning have reduced significantly in the state. Speaking on the occasion, Urban Local Bodies Minister, Kavita Jain said that the industries have been provided positive environment in Haryana as a result of which more industrial units would come to Haryana. She said that in terms of Ease of Doing Business, Haryana has reached at third position whereas the state is at top position in North India. Member of Parliament, Ramesh Kaushik and Joint Secretary, NITI Ayog, Sumita Misra and Principal Secretary, Industries, Devender Singh also spoke on this occasion.

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