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Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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Schemes and issues relating to the SC/OBC discussed

Ramdas Athawale, Minister of State for Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India presided over a press conference organized by Social Welfare Department Chandigarh at UT Guest House, Chandigarh

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amdas Athawale, Minister of State for Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India visited Chandigarh discussed the schemes and issues relating to Scheduled Caste, Other Backward Class and Persons with Disability. The Minister held a meeting with the officers of the Social Welfare Department, during which Secretary Social Welfare, UT, Chandigarh was also present.

The Director Social Welfare welcomed Minister on behalf of the Chandigarh Administration and briefed him about the schemes and issues relating to the SC/OBC. Minister was also apprised that Chandigarh being a small city state, the number of cases of atrocities against SCs is quite negligible. Regarding payment of relief/compensation to the victim of the atrocity, it has informed that a clarification has been sought from Government of India, but reply in the matter has not been received, so far.

It has also informed that during the year 2018-19, funds amounting to Rs 40.00 Lakh received from the Government of India for the scheme Inter-caste Marriage have been fully utilized.

Further it was shared that approximately 21,000 beneficiaries are getting social security pensions under different pension schemes viz. Old Age/Widow/Disabled/Dependent Children of Widows/Destitute Women. State Liaison Officer of Scholarship Schemes informed the Minister that funds amounting to Rs 12 Crore (approximate) under scholarship schemes relating to Scheduled Caste/Other Backward Class have not yet been received from Government of India. The Minister has given assurance for an early release of pending funds under Scholarship Schemes.

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